Relevant Writing

Welcome to the Relevant Writing section

Listed first are publications explicitly associated with the CSinC Project. Afterward you can find examples of relevant writing, providing a photographic “blow-up”1 (as it were) of “where I’m coming from”2 and am now, thereby indirectly related to the CSinC Project.


    1. Antonioni, M. (1966). Blow-up.
    2. Simpson, David. 2002. Situatedness, or, Why We Keep Saying Where We’re Coming From. Duke University Press.

Phelan, Anne M. and Pinar, William F. 2024. Curriculum Studies in Canada: Present Preoccupations. University of Toronto Press.

Pinar, William F. in preparation. Curriculum Studies in Canada: The Indigenous Challenge.

Where I’m Coming From, Am Now

#1 Introduction to Curriculum Studies in Canada: Present Preoccupations

#2 Plan de Estudio 2022. A Curriculum Commentary.

#3 Pasolini, Public Pedagogy, Subjective Presence

#4 Introduction to Maxine Greene

#5 Inscape: To Mary Aswell Doll

#6 Epilogue: LSU Curriculum Theory Project

#7 Queer Love. Really?

#8 Foreword to Curriculum Work and Social Justice Leadership in a Post-Reconceptualist Era: Attaining Critical Consciousness and Learning to Become

#9 Foreword to Curriculum, Environment, and the Work of C. A. Bowers.

#10 Foreword to The Syllabus as Curriculum: A Reconceptualist Approach

#11 Foreword to Engaging Currere Toward Decolonization

#12 Foreword to Lingering with the Works of Ted T. Aoki

#13 Foreword to Restoring Soul, Passion, and Purpose in Teacher Education: Contesting the Instrumentalization of Curriculum and Pedagogy

#14 Foreword to Love in the Post-Reconceptualist Era of Curriculum Work

#15 Foreword to Folk Phenomenology: Education, Study, and the Human Person

#16 Foreword to Engaging with Meditative Inquiry in Teaching, Learning, and Research

#17 On Ivor F. Goodson

#18 On the Generative and Generous Gifts of William E. Doll, Jr.

#19 The Subjective Necessity of National Literacy

#20 Foreword to Abdou and Zervas’ Ancient and Indigenous Wisdom Traditions in the Americas

#21 Foreword to Thomas Poetter’s Curriculum Fragments 2024

#22 The Achievement of Hilda Taba

#23 “Molds” and “Spirit” in the Eight-Year Study

#24 In Honour of Rita Irwin’s retirement 2024

#25 Jacob DesRochers Nov. 2017 queries

#26 On the Contributions of Carl Leggo

#27 What Knowledge is of Most Worth? The Question of Undergraduate Curriculum Reform in South Africa

#28 Queer Theory

#29 Reconstructing “Education” through Mindful Attention

#30 George Grant’s cosmopolitan critique of education

#31 The Constant in My Life

#32 A Queer Currere

#33 The Synoptic Text Today

#34 Woube Kassaye – foreword by Pinar

#35 Reactivating Queer Theory: The Perverse Pedagogy of Pier Paolo Pasolini

#36 Abul Pitre – Pinar’s foreword

#37 Arceo-Coll book – Foreword by Pinar

#38 Canada collection Pinar foreword 2011

#39 Foreword to Pedagogies of the Imagination

#40 Pinar foreword Shauna Knox April 2022

#41 Pinar introduction to teacher Development (2015)

$42 Pinar’s afterword to Block’s The Classroom (2014)

#43 Pinar’s foreword to Morelli’s book (2025)

# 44 Clickbait Curriculum Theory